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Intergenerational continuity is one of the features of JSC ”Kolomensky Zavod”. Presently works on studying labor dynasties are under way at the plant. Detailed information on representatives of more than 60 labor dynasties including the previous 4-th, 5-th and even 6-th generations is gathered.
Every year celebration events devoted to the Day of engineering workers are held and representatives of labor dynasties are awarded a passport of the dynasty.

In 2016 a dynasty of the Berletovs-the Yangunaevs (a total labor period of service of the dynasty 5 generations is 1300 years) and in 2017 a dynasty of the Sushkins-the Yusovs (a total labor period of service of the dynasty 5 generations is over 900 years) became the winners of the contest “the Best Moscow Region Labor Dynasty” in industry category.